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Mar 15 12:30am
Rd #9
2025 MXSEMF Supercross - NA Region
Mar 16 08:00am
Rd #9
2025 MXSEMF Supercross - AU Region
Mar 12 08:00pm
Rd #9
2025 MXSEMF Supercross - EU Region
Race Finished 1 days ago
Mar 11 08:05pm
Rd #5
Ultimate ZION Championship SX 2025
Race Finished 2 days ago

Table Of Content

1. General information

1.1. Basic rules

1.1.1. Who’s hosting the series?

1.2. Points

1.2.1. Points per position
 Points system exception

1.2.2. Ties breaker
 For championship ties
 For overalls

1.3. Defending a championship - classes and points results

1.3.1. Pro

1.3.2. A

1.3.3. B

1.3.4. Amateur or C

1.4. Usual format and classes details

1.4.1. Classes

1.4.2. Usual format
 Supercross events
 Motocross events

2. Riding

2.1. Starts

2.2. Backing up on the starting line

2.3. Aggressive racing

2.4. Track cutting

2.4.1. Track cutting exception

2.5. Re-entering the track

2.6. Blue flag

2.6.1. Blue flag exception

2.7. Getting up after crashing

2.8. Riding back in the pack

2.9. Riding during qualifying

2.10. Unsafe riding

2.11. Connection issues

2.12. Sabotage and punting

3. Rider responsibility and behavior

3.1. Name and number

3.2. UID grab

3.3. Do not request restarts during qualifying races

3.4. Listen to the admins and hosters

3.5. Harsh language

3.5.1. Protests and harsh language

3.6. Dedicated pro and amateur servers

3.7. Impersonation

3.8. Using someone else's UID (key)

4. Error handling

4.1. DDoS’ing and similar symptoms

4.2. Lap times not saving

5. Protests and protesting

5.1. Demos

5.2. Sending in protests

5.2.1. Where to send in

5.2.2. Filling out the form

5.2.3. What do protest for?

5.3. Protests that becomes invalid

1. General information

1.1. Basic rules

Each individual rider is responsible to make sure he or she is up to date with the latest iteration of the rules. No one has any responsibility to either remind you of a certain rule or regulation, it is up to each own individual to know what you can or cannot do.

If a rider proceeds to break any rules at any given time, that rider may receive a penalty. Depending on the how bad the particular case is, you might receive penalties such as a warning, being disqualified or banned. The ban will differ in length depending on how severe the incident is.

The rules in this document may be changed at any time without notice. Additional rules specific to series may be specified in the series thread. These rules and regulations in this document is referred to as “Official EMF rules” if other series wants to use the same set of rules as the official EMF series. The rules in this document is applied to all official EMF races.

1.1.1. Who’s hosting the series?

If you have questions about a series, look up who’s the host for the series and ask that person. Most series has a topic on the forum under the “Racing” section and in the subsection “EMF Racing”. Post your question in that topic.

Look up who is hosting the series, if it’s not an EMF Official series, don’t assume that the EMF Admins can answer any questions about it.

1.2. Points

1.2.1.  Points per position


The standard scoring system will be as in real life 1st - 26p, 2nd - 23p, 3rd - 21p, 4th - 19p, 5th - 18p and from 6th to 22th place the gap will be 1 point, which means that the last point given out is 1 point for 22th place. 


The standard scoring system will be as in real life: 1st - 25p, 2nd - 22p, 3rd - 20p, 4th - 18p, 5th - 16p and from 6th to 20th place the gap will be 1 point, which means that the last point given out is 1 point for 20th place.

       Points system exception

For events such as Monster Energy Cup and MX of Nations another system may be used. The system that is likely to be used in situations like these is that you score as many points as in the position you finish meaning the the winner (1st place) gets 1p, 5th place gets 5p, 14th gets 14p and so on. In this scenario the rider with the least amount of points will win the event. If this system is used, the race/championship topic will make you aware of it.

1.2.2. Tie breakers

In a championship, 2 or more riders may have the same amount of points, this will create the demand for a tiebreaker. For championship ties

If riders tie for the championship-win in a supercross championship, the rider with most main event wins will win the championship. If the riders has the same amount of main event wins, the tiebreaker will be decided by who had the better last finish.

If riders tie for the championship-win in a motocross championship, the rider with the most overalls will win the championship. If the riders has the same amount of overalls, the tiebreaker will be decided by who got the better last moto finish. For overalls

If two or more riders tie at the end of a motocross race, the tiebreaker will be decided by who got the better last moto finish.

1.3. Defending a championship - classes and points results

1.3.1. Pro

For the 250 class, if you win the championship, you’re eligible to defend it for one more season before you have to move up to the 450 class.

1.3.2. A

If you finish inside the top 100 of the regional number quest with an ‘A’ license, you will be given a pro license before the next championship. Riders who perform good enough may get their license bumped up as well, to prevent them from sandbagging.

1.3.3. B

If you win an official EMF championship with an ‘B’ license, you will be given an ‘A’ license before the next championship. Riders who perform good enough may get their license bumped up as well, to prevent them from sandbagging.

1.3.4. Amateur or C

This licence is reserved to the new players on the game and players who never raced any online series on EMF. As long as you score points in the novice class, you’ll be given an ‘B’ license before the next championship in order to be able to try and make your way into amateur racing.

1.4. Usual format and classes details

1.4.1. Classes

450 class (can also be called MX1, MXGP or SX1 class) allow bikes from 250 2strokes to 450 4strokes (from 2013 to 2018 on official events). In some cases the 450 class is open and so allow all bikes (from 2013 to 2018 on official events).

250 class (can also be called MX2, Lites or SX2 class) allow bikes from 125 2strokes to 250 4strokes (from 2013 to 2018 on official events). In some cases the 450 class is open and so allow all bikes (from 2013 to 2018 on official events).

1.4.2. Usual format Supercross events

Supercross events usually run the irl format including heats, lcq and main event.

Top 40 taken from quali splitted into 2 heats, then top9 of the heats directly go in Main event

Rest of players go in the lcq race, top4 of the lcq go in the Main event making a 22mens gate.

Sometime the format can be different like on the Triple crown events this year.

Top18 from quali straight into the night show.

Rest of players go in the lcq race, top4 of the lcq go in the night show making a 22mens gate.

The night show include 3 motos using the olympic scoring to make the overall standing. Motocross events

Motocross events usually run the irl format including an lcq race and 2 motos.

Top 36 taken from quali.

Rest of players go in the lcq race, top4 of the lcq go in the night show making a 40mens gate.

2. Riding

2.1. Starts

All riders are obligated to be careful in the start. If you’re not first into the first turn, make sure to break in time and try to distance yourself from other riders in order to minimize the risk for collisions. If a rider is suspected to intentionally have collided with others in the start, that rider may be penalized.

2.2. Moving on the starting line

Moving on the starting line before gate drop is not permitted. If you move on the start closer or further away from the gate you must delay slightly at the gate drop to not gain any advantage.

-Spinning the rear tire on the gate is not allowed.
-Leaning the rider body on the gate is allowed.
-Compressing suspension on the gate is allowed.

2.3. Aggressive racing

Aggressive racing is allowed. Race people how you would expect to be raced in return. 

2.4. Track cutting

A rider is at no point during a race allowed to cut the track. You shall at all times stay within the limits of the track and what’s outlining the track such as haybales, stakes or anything else showing the track path. Cutting the track may result in penalty.

2.4.1. Track cutting exception

If there is a big pile-up or downed riders in front of you, you shall not cut across the entire track as that risks you colliding with other riders. If you carefully go off track you must re-enter at the safest place possible without gaining any advantage or positions over other riders. If you gain one or more positions from doing this and you do not allow the riders re-pass you, you will be penalized.

2.5. Re-entering the track

When a rider goes off the track, the rider is obligated to check the trackmap and enter carefully and safely. If a rider re-enters the track and interferes with another rider, the rider re-entering the track may receive a penalty. Even if a leader would re-enter the track and take down a lapper, this is not accepted. The same track re-entering policy applies to everyone.

2.6. Blue flag

When you’re being lapped, if the gap is 2s or below, you shall start to give room for the riders coming to lap you. Blue flag that is below 1 second is in most cases considered to directly interfere with the riders lapping you. Do not stay below 1 second for an extended period of time. If you are in the main line, you shall not jump into any other line as an action, as that may end up in you both going down. It is better to be steady and slow in the main line then change. Whenever you’re able to change to a line that is not premiere, do this carefully.

2.6.1. Blue flag exception

If a leader goes down in front of you, you may pass, if you can make the pass without putting the leader at any risk. This means that you cannot pass the leader if he’s getting up and are just about to take off as that would be seens as racing the leader. If the leader hasn’t started to get up yet, you’re good to go.

2.7. Getting up after crashing

If you have crashed and are facing the wrong direction, you shall use the back-up button to turn yourself around as that is predictable for your competitors. You shall also take off in a straight line to not cause any situation that may be putting your competitors in risk of crashing.

2.8. Riding during qualifying

During qualifying races you shall treat all other riders with respect. Even if you’re a leader and have crashed, do not ruin the laps for riders you have lapped. The lappers lap-time may not be fast to you, but it may be a hotlap for the lapper. If you have crashed during a qualifying lap, show respect and do not block other riders, regardless if you’re a leader or a lapper.

For extreme cases of racers punting or cutting the track you can submit a protest on the website.

2.9. Unsafe riding

If you’re riding is not considered safe or being a danger to others, you may receive a penalty. This goes hand in hand with section 2.5.

2.10. Connection issues

Occasionally people's internet connection drops out for a little bit and then comes back resulting in the server not registering that they passed some timing gates. Most often the outcome of this is that the rider who had the problem ends up one lap down. Next time the rider comes around the same area, according to the server, the rider then continues on his previous lap. This is a rider connection issue and is not taken into account by EMF.

2.11. Targeting and punting other racers

When a racer demonstrates a lack of respect while racing by purposely targeting or punting another racer by no longer trying to complete his own race successfully but to ruin others will be result in a major penalty.

3. Rider responsibility and behavior

3.1. Name and number

It is up to each rider to make sure he or she is running the correct name and number. Admins/hosters are not obligated to inform you if you’re not running your correct name and number. A rider protested for running incorrect naming will be given a warning for the first offense, any further protests for incorrect naming will result in penalty. 

The formation of name (and team) is as following:
Firstname Lastname - Team

An example could be:
Maxime Tison - Tizzy Designs

You are allowed to run a nickname in between your first and last name. The nickname should be within quotation marks to highlight that it’s a nickname. An example here could be: Maxime “Tizzy” Tison - Tizzy Designs. The symbol separating your name and your team can either be a dash “ - ” or a pipeline “ | “. Please do not run hashtags or similar things in your name.

3.2. UID grab

Make sure to be on time for UID grab. If you’re not in the server for the UID grab, you will not be added. Extensive complaining may result in you being muted or in extreme cases suspended. On multiple occasions it may get you banned. It is up to you to be there in time.

3.3. Do not request restarts during qualifying races

Do not request restarts during qualifying races. If you didn’t get in, you simply have to wait. If a rider has begun his “Lap 2”, he’s on a timed lap meaning that the lap he’s on will give him a qualifying time. Restarting before the race is finished may result in lap-times not being saved.

3.4. Listen to the admins and hosters

Listen to the admins and respect their decisions. Each series should list the admins either on the site or if there’s a forum topic for the series.

3.5. Harsh language

Excessive swearing, racial slurs or aggression in the server is not permitted. Threats or telling people kill themselves is also strictly forbidden. Breaking these rules may result in penalty.

3.5.1. Protests and harsh language

If you protest a rider for something but you also curse him out in chat or similar things, your protest will not be reviewed as then you weren’t clean yourself, then you also broke a rule. Be the bigger man and keep quiet during the race, then proceed to file a protest.

3.6. Dedicated pro and amateur servers

Some EMF events will feature both pro and amateur classes. In some cases there might be dedicated servers for each license type. If a pro rider qualifies on an amateur server or the other way around, the lap-times will not be saved as you were qualifying in the wrong server.

3.7. Impersonation

Pretending to be another person is strictly forbidden. This behaviour will end up in a ban.

3.8. Using someone else's UID (key)

1st time : Season ban.

2nd time : Permanent Ban.

Cases may be forwarded to JLV to make a further decision, in case he wants to take action.

4. Error handling

4.1. DDoS’ing and similar symptoms

“Similar symptoms” to DDoS’ing is server lag not caused by DDoS’ing. There will be no specific rules for this as this is too unpredictable. Communication will be tried to be held on the server and the forum. Decisions will be taken during the incident. Races might be postponed or eventually skipped. If a majority of a race is completed, results will be as when the race restarted/shut down.

If a single rider gets DDoS’ed, that is outside of EMF’s control and no action will be taken.

If a person is found to be DDoS’ing, the person will be permabanned + having their EMF account suspended.

4.2. Lap times not saving

Riders may at some occasions experience that their fastest lap time does not save or show up on the website. This is in 99% of all cases caused by the rider missing a timing gate. If a timing gate is missed by as much as an inch, the lap time will not be valid, therefore will not be saved. In some rare cases, it may be caused by a network error between the end users pc and the server that the qualifying is held on. In both cases, there will not be any action taken, but the rider will have to try again to set a better lap time. It may take a few minutes for newly set lap times (after a finished race) to show up on the website.

5. Protests and protesting

5.1. Demos

Admins/hosters are not obligated in any way to save a demo and post that so others can download it. Even if this is often the case, each rider that have something to protest should save their own demo to have as a backup if needed. In case that the admins/hosters does not have a demo needed, you as a protester will have to provide the demo for the admins/hosters in order for them to be able to review it. A GIF, youtube video or any other image or video are not accepted. Only a full demo is eligible for review, as a GIF or youtube video can be faked. With the entire demo, you can verify that it is the correct race.

5.2. Sending in protests

5.2.1. Where to send in

Protests shall be sent in on the mxsemf.com website.

5.2.2. Filling out the form

If you have had any problems with some rider it’s up to you to file the protest. You cannot be guaranteed that the protest is filed if someone else is saying that they will. It’s better to get 1 more protest than none. You can protests a rider that you did not personally have a problem with, but you for example saw hitting another rider or cutting the track.

5.2.3. What do protest for?

Things that are eligible for protesting are things such are: Cutting the track, punting/t-boning, riding backwards, lappers not moving, unsafe track re-entry, unsafe restart, unsafe riding, harsh language or any other rule that has been broken. Please note that a little bit of bar banging between riders battling for position is okay. However cutting across the track from one side to another to take someone out is something that you could protest for and it would get reviewed.

5.3. Protests that becomes invalid

  • If the time/moto/class/race is incorrect. The admins/hosters will not spend time to look for your incident if you haven’t given correct information about it. A faulty/poor description can be overlooked.
  • If the rider protesting uses harsh language in chat, for example cursing at the rider he or she is protesting. In that instance your protest may be considered invalid as you’ve broken a rule yourself, eventually you might receive a penalty too.

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